Category: Criminal Defense Law
Things to Consider Before Hiring a DUI Attorney

When you have been charged with driving under the influence in Illinois, you will need a lawyer who has extensive experience handling cases that involve impaired driving charges. While any lawyer can represent your interests in court, a legal counsel who has years of experience successfully representing clients (and a track record of plea bargaining) with
Helping When You Need It the Most: Criminal Defense Lawyers

There are two sides to every story unless it is a criminal case; then there are three sides of the story. There is the victim’s story, there is the story of the accused and the story that is most plausible to the court and jury. When it comes to criminal defense, presenting all sides of
Understanding the Complex Relationship between Substance Abuse and Crime

A large number of people harbor the notion that criminal behavior and substance abuse are interrelated, and that those who commit crimes such as theft and burglary, do so to procure money to buy drugs. This often-lethal combination has ruined the lives of entire families. Preventing this and/or dealing with this can be challenging, but
How to Pick a Top Personal Injury Lawyer

Being a victim of personal injury is not only stressful but also emotionally devastating. In a distressing situation like this, there’s one person who can fight for your rights and help you claim the compensation that you are entitled to- a personal injury lawyer. Choosing the right personal injury lawyer plays a very crucial role.
How to Avoid a DUI Arrest

Drinking and driving do not mix. This implies that if you’ve been drinking, refrain from driving. Drunken driving can result in injuries and loss of lives – yours and/or others. Why would anyone want to drive under influence and end up smashing their own car or damaging someone else’s property? The worst thing about drunken